Youth Engagement Services (YES) Network Pakistan/PNYS program are reflective of local, national and international programs and conventions. In particular, the following:
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Constitution of Pakistan
The Constitution of Pakistan sets a broad policy for the realization of the basic human rights of each and every citizen of Pakistan. The constitution of Pakistan strives for the creation of a society where people have ample opportunities to learn and contribute in the socio economic development of the country without any discrimination on the basis of sex, colour, class and creed.
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Charter of IANYS
Youth Engagement Services (YES) Network Pakistan/PNYS, as an affiliated member of the IANYS has subscribed to the Charter of IANYS. The articles of the Charter provides main guidelines and directions towards the realization of Youth Engagement Services (YES) Network Pakistan/PNYS objectives. It helps in collecting and disseminating information about NYS programs throughout the world; provides technical assistance to member countries and organizations interested in establishing National Youth Service Programs; fosters the development of National Youth Service Programs through exchanges and training of both staff members and young people and assists in conducting National Youth Service research, monitoring and evaluation.
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Charter of the United Nations
Pakistan, as a member of the United Nations has agreed to work towards achievement of the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations which enables young men and women to enjoy full participation in the life of society. Charter principles include the attainment by young women and men “of an educational level commensurate with their aspirations; access to employment opportunities equal to their abilities; food and nutrition adequate for full participation in the life of society; a physical and social environment that promotes good health and protection from disease and addiction and that is free from all types of violence; human rights and fundamental freedoms without distinction as to race, sex, language, religion or any other forms of discrimination; participation in decision – making processes; and places and facilities for cultural, recreational and sports activities to improve the living standards of young people in both rural and urban areas”.
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United Nations World Programme of Action for Youth
The United Nations World Programme of Action for Youth is aimed at ensuring the well-being of young women and men and their full and active participation in the society in which they live.
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Commonwealth Youth Charter
The Youth Engagement Services (YES) Network Pakistan/PNYS recognizes the work of the Commonwealth in the support of national youth policies in all Commonwealth countries and its efforts towards creating societies where young women and men are empowered to develop their creativity, skills and potential as productive and dynamic members; where the full participation of young women and men at every level of decision-making and development, both individually and collectively, are fostered.