Transforming Youth from
Victims to Changemakers
Educational & Vocational Institutions
Youth Teams Created Impact

Welcome to
YES Network Pakistan
YES Network Pakistan is spearheading a changemaking movement in the country. It is seen as a premier resource to unlock the changemaking power of young people. It is helping educational and vocational institutions to become changemaker campuses. It facilitates several hundred young people every year to begin their first-ever changemaking journey. It has invented a very simple, practical, and scalable method to turn young people into changemakers. It is creating a local and global community of change leaders who embrace a changemaking framework in their culture, programming, and operations.
Our Strategic Priorities
Activating Young People as Changemakers

YES facilitates several hundred young people every year to begin their first-ever changemaking journey.
Building a Changemaking Movement

YES is leading a movement to transform educational and vocational institutions into changemakers campuses.
Redefining Success for Young People

YES is presenting a groundbreaking new way to define success for young people, called changemaking.
Our Focus
We are living in a changemaking world. In this new world, the rule for thriving has changed from knowledge transmission and repetition to changemaking. It is a completely new game. No individual or institution can achieve greatness without practicing changemaking. Educational institutions have made the least progress to release the changemaking power of their faculty members and students. YES Network Pakistan is addressing this key deficit in educational and vocational institutions. It is trying to break down institutional barriers that prevent educational and vocational institutions from becoming changemaker campuses. YES believes that the key factor of success for any institution is what percentage of its faculty members and students are changemakers. YES is helping educational and vocational institutions to embrace a changemaking framework in their culture, curriculum, and operations.
Changemaking Intelligence Test
YES has invented a unique Changemaking Intelligence Test to measure the ability of students to produce social and economic impact in a wide range of environments.
More than 20,000 young people from 110 educational and technical institutions participated in the Changemaking Intelligence Test.
Intra and Inter-level
Changemaking Competition
Punjab Higher Education Commission and YES Network Pakistan join hands to launch the first-ever Intra and Inter-level Changemaking Competition in public colleges and universities of Punjab.

Global Recognition
Support Our Work
Youth unemployment is soaring. Child abuse is increasing. New health challenges are emerging. Environment is being eroded. Elderly people are looking for basic health services. Young people are being brainwashed and blown away by drugs. Our educational institutions are struggling. It shows that we need a change and we need it urgently. We need to develop a new framework for our society. Our best thinking and our best efforts got us where we are today. Without change there will be no change. YES Network Pakistan is trying to build a society where everyone is seen as a solution and a major resource to bring change in society.