Interview | Daily Dawn | Aug 14, 2011

There exist a handful of individuals who recognize that life is not just about making a living, but making a difference. These fortunate people hold the heads of the less fortunate and don’t simply sympathize but empathize. One such individual is Ali Raza Khan who is striving to turn the disengaged youth and women of our country into an asset rather than a liability.
Ali, a native of Lahore, after completing his masters in political science, interned at Family Planning Association of Pakistan as a facilitator of youth sexual and reproductive health programs in 1997.His drive and enthusiasm had him swiftly reach the post of deputy director in 2002.
He played a pioneer role in designing and implementing first-ever nationwide sexual and reproductive health and civic engagement programs for the underserved and vulnerable young people in rural areas.
His time as a trainer, during which he traveled to the remotest parts of the country, was a life changing experience. “It exposed me to young people living in terribly dismal situations.” Till now Ali had gained from society, but the time had arrived for him to give back. “One’s degrees and qualifications are of no use if you don’t use them to benefit society,” says Ali in his impassioned style.